A Ghost From 1986 & An Orange Shark

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We all want to be seen on our level. We all want the big people in our world to smile at us, to lower their faces to ours, to affirm our efforts. We want those further along in life to talk with us as equals. We want those who seem all done—all grown up—to treat us like we are, too. This undercurrent keeps social media afloat. These desires lead to car payments and mortgages beyond prudence. These insecurities can push us to constructive self-improvement or inauthentic personas, hard work or cheating, striving or faking.

Playing Life From the Red Tees

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Between you and me, I like the game. Thanks to thousands of dollars a year in free airfare, laughable amounts of serendipity, and incredible friendships, the social media game is one of the few in which I can play at a competitive level. Recently, though, I was confronted about my complicity in the madness. It came from an unlikely place: one of my favorite tracking apps.

You Should Move Here, Too

I chose to move to Lynchburg and have fallen in love with it enough to call it home. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that my wife and I are factors in my sister and some of our closest friends emigrating to what we lovingly call “LynchVegas.” Here are the selling points with which I would counter the Lynchburg skeptics.
