Summer of Silver Linings Ryan George

A Summer of Silver Linings

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I’ve had my head in the clouds a lot this summer.

Figuratively: I’ve been daydreaming bout upcoming spiritual, physical, relational, and travel adventures. I’ve been working on a book proposal for the book I just wrote. I’ve planned three fantastic long weekends in far-flung places, including what will be my sixth continent for bungee jumping. I’ve placed a lofty goal for the spiritual community I co-lead, and I created an ambitious plan for building my customer base at my day job.

Literally: I’ve flown into a cloud in an open-cockpit biplane. From the ground, I’ve marveled at the size and shape and colors of clouds. From the safety of my MINI, I’ve watched the violence of clouds during our July & August storms. I’ve looked up into the sky often, snapping photos or just staring scenes into my internal hard drive.

The other day, I blurted out to Crystal, “The clouds have been amazing this summer!”
She and I have had several storms blow into our life the past few months—hard, expensive, and exasperating challenges. Through them all, I’ve been buoyed by beautiful moments of fantastic serendipity. Silver linings. Rays of hope above the pain, bills, and brokenness. On my drive home, I had to stop, pull over, and snap this picture.
Summer of Silver Linings Mailchimp
This view has been my summer: rays of light piercing around the dark underbelly of difficult circumstances.
I don’t know if I’m ready for autumn or the next storm. What I do know is that I’ll head into both with my wife’s hand in mine, good friends nearby, co-conspirators & fellow adventurers all around me, and a ray of internal light calls out to the light above the clouds.
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Adventure Guide

Ryan has pursued physical and spiritual adventures on all seven continents. I co-lead the Blue Ridge Community Church parking team and co-shepherd Dude Group, a spiritual adventure community for men.

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