Psalm 5

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Until then, I’m glad for the people and classes that, like tonight, require me to introspect. I can’t wrestle with these concepts unless aware of them. I cannot grow toward a truth without the lesson and path.

Designed to Worship

posted in: Ponderlust | 0

But it was like I was trying to excuse my choice of not being a pastor, a thought many preachers’ sons probably struggle to extinguish. I enjoy design and writing. I just assumed growing up that the higher echelon of Christians all had talents they had to abandon to be vocational ministers.

Long Distance Plans

posted in: Ponderlust | 0

And while it’s true that God doesn’t compare hearts by numbers, he does covet more from us than compliance to an artificial Christian brand. He called the Pharisee’s on it all the time, even dropped the “whited sepulchers” hammer on them.
