I’ve hiked almost 16 miles since dinner time on Monday—all of them with the sun below the horizon: eight alone, two on the phone with my brother, and six with a dear friend. My heart needed all of those miles and still could use some more.
Over the past two weeks, I’ve been faced with thousands of dollars of surprise bills, Facebook glitches that stole four figures’ worth of billable time from my business, a counseling session that ended with me in tears, a house in disarray from remodeling setbacks, and the widespread & disappointing adherence to Christian nationalism within my faith circle. I’ve been pre-mourning a potential loss.

I’ve also gotten encouraging messages from friends and intoxicating affirmation from strangers. I’ve enjoyed a fantastic off-roading adventure, joyful exchanges with my sisters’ kids, and profound conversations. I’ve seen a big shift in my perspective and my identity—something that I’ve wrestled with for a decade or more. I returned to the weight room for the first time in 8 months. I made the fourth-largest purchase of my life. I excitedly registered for a class I’ve been waiting for years to become available.

November has been hyperbolic for me so far: rich moments that landed on my soul, anxious hours that’ve taxed my system, and pangs that have constricted my heart. So, I’ve escaped into the hills and the Psalm 121 that tells me to look for peace there.

I have a feeling I’ll be putting in a lot of miles over the next few months. I look forward to them and to the comfort they’ll bring. And I’m grateful I have such accessible hills and therapeutic trails near my house.