Love on a Paper Plate

posted in: Ponderlust | 0

It was an emotional moment for me, yet I didn’t know how to feel. I was moved by the gesture, but I felt awkward for being the sole recipient. Love, respect, and appreciation wafted with the smell of bread, protein, and dairy; but I didn’t feel like what I love to do needed to be rewarded. In a welcome moment on the horizontal level, I felt something vertical in motion.

A Different Rest for the Weary

posted in: Explorience | 4

I’m flying, floating, then riding a bus to what’s rated as one of the most grueling hikes in North America—a rugged wilderness described by trail alumni on YouTube as a place where nobody escapes a battered body. In fact, the Canadian Coast Guard and Parks Canada medevacs or otherwise rescues up to nine people a week from this stretch of ground—when only 52 people per day are allowed to enter the trail.
When I tell people where I’m going, I get two general responses. The first: “That sounds awesome!” and more often: “Not me. Why would you do that?” For the crowd who fall in that second camp, let me walk you through the reasoning.

Putting a Price on Your Friends List

posted in: Uncategorized | 0

If I had a dollar for every time I saw or heard the words social media, my wife and I could go on an international vacation—and I don’t mean Canada. I’m sure the same holds true for you. Websites like Facebook and Twitter and YouTube are touted as marketing gold mines, the future of advertising, the magic answer for harvesting clients out of thin air.

My Biggest Christmas "Letter" Ever

posted in: Random Acts of Ryan | 0

For the first year since 2004, I didn’t take a week off work this year; and Crystal and I had no vacations together—even a long weekend. So, I had to bring alive a year in which Crystal and I both worked a lot (her cumulatively more than me in terms of both days and hours) and didn’t get a lot of pictures together. I decided to entertain with random knowledge, peripheral touches with our social media streams, and as much as possible about the adventures we did find in the margins.

A Social Media Lesson from Socks

posted in: Uncategorized | 0

This episode illustrates the power of social media: the ability to engage your clients in conversation, the medium that can humanize your brand—and make your customers and friends want to introduce you to their customers and friends. It’s both schmoozing and feedback, both customer service and brand building, both grassroots initiatives and guerrilla marketing.

Jeans for Jesus

posted in: Ponderlust | 0

At some point last autumn, I realized that my shorts were getting in the way. My dysfunctional, insecure psyche was liking the attention my shorts got me. Jacked—I know. When passing greetings revolved around my shorts, they couldn’t be about our guests or about Jesus.

Fine Print Evangelism

posted in: Ponderlust | 0

Jesus left heaven to come to where we are. He didn’t rain post-dated business cards on us. He didn’t ask us to weed through insider jargon to understand he wants us more than he wants justice for our sin. The choice he offers is essentially an ultimatum, but he wants *so much* for us to reciprocate his movement toward us.
